If not today, when will you finally begin by declaring, “Enough!” Enough wasted time in delaying getting started and following through on what you know you need or want to do. Enough procrastination!
Will it be today, tomorrow, next week, next month, next year? Days turn into weeks. Weeks turn into months. Years turn into decades. And before you know it you’ve wasted huge blocks of time. Or least you’ve lived and performed way below your potential and dreams.
Why are you procrastinating? What are you ignoring? What are you putting off? What do you need to do today! Let’s examine these individually.
Why are you procrastinating?
- Fear
- Self-doubt
- Excuse mentality
- Lack of drive
- Depression
- Timing
What are you ignoring?
- Lack of courage
- Need to face problems
- Wasted time
- Lost opportunities
- Loneliness
- Isolation
- Mental pain
- Physical pain
What are you putting off?
- Facing fears
- Getting fit
- Losing weight
- Eating healthy
- Quitting a bad habit
- Starting a business
- Writing a book
- Joining a group
- Making new friends
- Dating
- Falling in love
What do you need to do today!
- Decide what to act on
- Record your decisions
- Make a 100% commitment
- Visualize the end result
- Accept transition discomfort
- Begin today
- Conquer fears
- Stay the course
- Ignore excuses
- Never quit
- Celebrate victories
The procrastination cure: Acknowledgment + decision + commitment + action = rewards.
Whatever it is, go do it now!