When we lose perspective, we lose sight of the truth about ourselves and the people and things around us. Here are 25 of the most common.
- There are at least a million people in the world who are worse off than you.
- Whatever problem you have, there are at least a million other people in the world who are going through the same thing, or something similar.
- There are at least a million people in the world who have figured out how to live more abundantly than you have. Study these people.
- Your very best, most trusted, and loyal friend in the world is you!
- All your money and material possessions add zero value to your character and integrity.
- Your job title and all of your degrees, certificates, medals, and trophies add zero value to your character and integrity. However, they may or may not have helped you to develop in these areas. These accomplishments do not automatically give you these things. They are daily choices.
- One year from today, you will have either taken 365 steps toward your dreams or 365 steps in another direction, or none at all.
- Today really is the first day of the rest of your life, as they say. There is no yesterday or tomorrow. The only life you have is the present moment.
- It is possible that your life could end today, tomorrow, next week, or a month from now.
- It is possible that the life of someone you love could end today, tomorrow, next week, or a month from now.
- No worries about past mistakes have ever produced any positive results.
- The overwhelming majority of what you worry about never comes true, except those things that you give overwhelming attention to.
- What you choose to think about is a moment-by-moment choice completely controlled by you.
- If you choose to think negative thoughts, you will most certainly manifest negative results.
- If you choose to think positive thoughts, you will most certainly manifest positive results.
- If you just put off giving in to your cravings for that candy bar, cigarette, coffee, drink, or drug, they will soon disappear. If you do this often and long enough, usually 21-45 days, the cravings will fade away and you’ll be free!
- The only mistake you can ever make is not trying or giving up.
- Failing is a “normal” part of the process of achievement.
- If you have failed repeatedly over a long period, then you are probably very close to succeeding. Had Thomas Edison given up after 1,000 failures, you wouldn’t be viewing this on your computer right now.
- Strength is developed by staying on course toward what you truly want regardless of what obstacles may arise.
- The measure of who you are as a person is in your ability to stay on course toward what you truly want regardless of whether you have support and encouragement from other people.
- With any new undertaking, you have to go through a period of awkwardness before you become competent. Then you have to go through a period of being just competent before you become an expert.
- Courage cannot be gained intellectually. It can only be gained through action.
- Courage is not the absence of fear, courage is going ahead anyway even though you are afraid.
- The most important key to happiness is being grateful on a daily basis for all the good things in your life.
We lose perspective when we lose truth. Truth is the gateway to personal growth and appreciation for what we have.